My website has come across an issue, in which there should be 4 products under the brand name “Boffalora”, but when we search via the “Product Search” widget box on the Shop All page (https://certaplatform.com.hk/shop/) or any other search box in the site, the search result can only display 2 products.
If we click the product brand by “By Brand” in the Shop All > Shop Sidebar Filter, it can show all 4 products under the brand name “Boffalora”, we have checked all 4 products settings but all the settings are the same across 4 products, we don’t know what causes the search result to only display 2 products instead of all 4 products.
Please find the image attached for your reference. Thank you.
Search “Boffalora” via search box / Product Search on Shop All page, only 2 products show: https://prnt.sc/W11QFg0EDGoY
Click “By Brand” > “Boffalora” on the Shop All Page, all 4 products under the brand name “Boffalora” can be displayed.
One more thing, sometime the Shop Sidebar Filter will totally disappear and cannot be seen, it can only be seen again after we purge the cache, this will need your help to investigate and fix as well.
Please help and see what’s causing the above issues. Thank you so much!
Best regards,