Search Result Page Off-canvas Filters and filter by categories Ajax

This topic has 24 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago ago by Olga Barlow

  • Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 16, 2021 at 11:54

    I am used to use your theme for my clients for a long time and recently i realized 2 issues, One is that your theme does not show off-canvas filters on Search Result page, and Second is that when you set to do Ajax filter for Categories, and Categories have custom Elementor Top Header banner, it does not bring the banner with full styles and mess it up. Here below is the link for the shop page to test the Product filter by Ajax, and search result. I will also send credentials on private message to give you access to admin page.

    I appreciate a lot if you could fix these two issues urgently bcz I am on a very tide project delivery schedule.

    Kind Regards

    Please, contact administrator
    for this information.
    23 Answers
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    October 17, 2021 at 07:04


    Thanks for using our theme.
    1/ Theme Options > Search > Sidebar Position, there is no Off-Canvas option, right now, unfortunately. You can submit a request here – If it takes votes from other customers then our developers will be able to add it to the queue.
    2/ Provide temporary FTP access, our technicians will check what can be done to help you.


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 17, 2021 at 07:29


    I dont really understad your point, There is no such an option or need to be for shop filters off-canvas sidebar. You can add the filters to shop sidebar and then in setting put the shop sidebar as off-canvas. This is how your theme works. Also it does not make sense for 24×7 support to state that send your ticket on the task bar and then if a customer voted then a developer may put it on queue. I also provided FTP credentials in private message.

    Please contact administrator
    for this information.
    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    October 17, 2021 at 09:59


    Can’t connect to your FTP – Please check.


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 17, 2021 at 10:07

    I am so sorry, i missed to put the FTP server and port. I updated the credentials.

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    October 17, 2021 at 10:20


    Thanks for the reply. Our technicians will be back to work after the weekend. I will let you know their answer. Please be patient.


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 17, 2021 at 10:22

    Ok, this makes me waiting however, please keep that this is a real urgent issue.

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    October 18, 2021 at 08:26
    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 18, 2021 at 08:35

    Hi Madam, thanks very much. the off-canvas sidebar for search result page is fixed however the second issue which was the ajax category filter is not yet fixed. When the off-canvas filter is open and you click on the categories it mess up the top header banner

    Kind Regards

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 18, 2021 at 17:06


    It’s related to Elementor plugin. They do not load static block styles (and do not allow init styles and scripts) if you use Ajax requests. So, contact Elementor plugin about this issue.


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 18, 2021 at 17:43

    Well, i dont think ths is a right statement bcz your theme is bringing the submenu static blocks with ajax and has no issue. Also i have other themes that do the same for header and bring the Elementor blocks with no issue. I also see that when you click on the filter categories, after ajax response you use a function “reset_builders” which in console it shows it is not defined. I checked all your javascript files and there is no place you defined this function. So it is 100% on your side.

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 18, 2021 at 19:28


    Check now, please. I see that you created framework folder with woo.php file inside. Did you change function from that file? Please, copy just changed function to child theme functions.php and remove the woo.php file because it would cause issues on your site for future updates. Don’t copy files from the framework folder, copy only functions from these files to your child theme functions.php and edit them according to your needs.


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 18, 2021 at 19:57

    Hi Madam, It is still the same. Not fixed
    I think you make a filter when you are on a category page, so that page has the same header as all oter categories and the style remains the same however if you make a filter on products page (below link) which has different header and it will mess it up.

    Also If you could add an option in your theme so that i could enable header for search result page too then i dont need to change the woo.php file bcz currently you cannot add header to search result page. I will see if i can get the function out into the child theme function.php.

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 19, 2021 at 10:12


    I see that you made changes in etheme_category_header function. I moved that function to child theme. Also, check the categories block again.


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 19, 2021 at 10:20

    Thanks very much Madam, It seems it is working to some extend now however it still does not bring the responsive styles. So the image is not resizing on different devices.

    Kind Regards

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 19, 2021 at 17:21


    What images are not responsive? Could you, please, provide the screenshot for better understanding?


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 19, 2021 at 17:45

    Hi Madam, here below are two images, first one from ajax response, and the other one is when you go directly to the category page. You can see how much difference is it on smaller devices

    Ajax result:

    Direct category page

    Kind Regards

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 20, 2021 at 11:15


    I don’t see mentioned issue while checking your site


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 20, 2021 at 11:36


    Not sure why you check on big screens as i stated you will see the issue in small devices. Even i got capture that is clearly visible the differences on this big screens too. I appreciate faster communication in this urgent issue please bcz coming back after a day and say that you dont see the difference in the mages does not really sound you are takin care of this issue. Here below are the capture from your video if you see the difference now. So on big screens image will stay at the max size and will not resize but for other elements you can see the differences.

    image 1:

    image 2:


    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 20, 2021 at 13:49


    It looks the issue is caused by the order of styles that Elementor loads for static block that loaded with the Ajax Would you be so kind to contact Elementor Pro support to find out if they have any tips to change the styles priority for blocks created with the Elementor and loaded by Ajax?


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 20, 2021 at 15:36

    Hi Madam, i dont think i could b between you and elementor.. You are the only one that can communicate and ask them exactly what you need. I may miss or not understand your point or their point.

    Kind Regards

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 20, 2021 at 15:45


    You are able to contact them because you are the owner of the Elementor Pro license, we don’t have access to their support system, unfortunately. Send them a screenshot that I provided Also explain that you use shortcode to display Elementor block in the product category description. And if you load the product category with Ajax from the shop page that styles are wrong. They will be able to check this while inspecting your site. Ask them if they have any suggestions to get the correct order of the styles if the block is loaded using Ajax on the page.


    Avatar: Ramin Rabii
    Ramin Rabii
    October 20, 2021 at 16:22

    Ok, i opened the ticket. lets see if they help

    Avatar: Olga Barlow
    Olga Barlow
    Support staff
    October 21, 2021 at 09:32


    Thank you.


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