this happened lot of times already
server requirement error notification on site admin top bar
but no issue shows after click it??
is it related to wordpress 5.8 version?
what should i do for it? anything need to be corrected?
thank you
This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
this happened lot of times already
server requirement error notification on site admin top bar
but no issue shows after click it??
is it related to wordpress 5.8 version?
what should i do for it? anything need to be corrected?
thank you
thats the issue, that error notification does not show up all the time, and every time it show up, when i click it, no error shows, after i click check again, still no error found
thats why i wanted to bring to your attention to see if any issue from your end causing this false error notification?
i checked my site again, error notification showing again or still!
see screenshot plz, i have the current date and time included
what is the issue here?
plz help find out and make sure theme running properly on my site? thank you
i received email from themeforest where i bought xstore theme that new update available to download for xstore theme, so i went to my site to check if theme update available to install, then i saw the server requrirement error notification again, i am not sure when you check my site if you dont see the error notification then please wait for a minute then you will see the error notification?
please help, thank you
p.s. i dont see theme update available on xstore menu on my site?
1) I’m not sure about that Server requirements notification. Maybe something changes on your server and the system detects that. Strange. Anyway, if everything works fine then just ignore that notification.
2) We updated the theme to the latest version while tested the mobile menu issue, so you don’t get notification about the theme update because it’s up to date.
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