I’ve changed the menu background color not changing. after setting in
theme options. changes not showing.
This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 7 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I’ve changed the menu background color not changing. after setting in
theme options. changes not showing.
What color did you use? It’s black now http://prntscr.com/ogdb0g
I see that you are using cache plugin. Don’t forget to clear plugin and browser cache after style changes on your site.
What color did you use? It’s black now http://prntscr.com/ogdb0g
I see that you are using cache plugin. Don’t forget to clear plugin and browser cache after style changes on your site.
the menu background is grey in homepage but black in shop page.
how do i get the same black manu background color.
The problem on your Home page is caused by this custom CSS code – http://prntscr.com/ogesq3 so you need to remove the code.
I removed all my custom css code in the theme options.
I would like the manu background to be black.
menu text white and menu text color pink on hover
Thanks for the access to your Dashboard. Custom bg color was selected for your Home page – https://prnt.sc/ognk8e Please check the Home now.
As I can see, your top bar is empty http://prntscr.com/ognlsr = https://prnt.sc/ognm6f , you can disable the top bar in Theme Options > Header > Top bar.
my websites back\ground color is black. how do I keep the black menu background and white homepage background ?
Truly saying I don’t understand your problem because menu bg is black and home page content is white https://gyazo.com/5c5a290799e32f4888cfd4c04e328ec3
Provide mockup of the layout if you need something different than you have.
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