im facing a issue regarding uploading them on localhsot will you tell me how can i resolve this issue and is there any faster way to contact because its really hard to wait couples of hours for an answer
This topic has 38 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
im facing a issue regarding uploading them on localhsot will you tell me how can i resolve this issue and is there any faster way to contact because its really hard to wait couples of hours for an answer
Thanks for contacting us.
This forum is the best way to contact our support team.
Watch this video – What exactly problem do you face? Could you provide a screenshot of error?
Lightshot screenshot tool can be used to take screenshots and share them. Or upload your screenshots here – and provide us with the URL via the Private Content area.
im not able to see there /home-red-default demo where i can found that demo
Please read this topic –
Regards how can i use sections from this to my live or localhost website
If you need to get elements/pages from different demos there are 2 ways:
– XStore studio allows import sections from different demons, when you are using Elementor plugin. Just edit page using Elementor > click here – and import the desired block.
– If you are using WPBakery Page Builder, do not enable the Elementor, but watch this video –
If you are using WPBakery, the Studio can’t be used.
how can i change website prices in different currencies kindly let me know
and please tell me how can i change language of website with options
You can choose Your Require Currency by going to Dashboard > WooCommerce > Setting, if you want multiple currency with same product then you must use any compatible 3rd party plugin which provide this functionality.
As for translation is concerned
1) Go to Settings > General > Make sure that you chose french in language settings.
2) Sync translation siles
3) Don’t forget to translate XStore core plugin (Loco translate > Plugins > XStore core).
Robert Hall
how can i add payment method icon in footer
i have change menu text color from theme options but there is no change on website where is the issue and how can i update
i when i edit with elementor on editing page preview is prefect but on line site preview is change i’m sending preview on editing page and live also see the difference its editing page view
and its live site view
here is one more editing page sample
and same page with live view
kindly let me know its taking too much time i have purchase premade theme to save my time
but i cant fix it help me in please
please reply
1- Its depend on your footer you can add payment method icon in footer static block . . Can you please send us screenshot which payment method icon are you talking about.
2- You can change your header color by going to Dashboard > Theme Options > Header Builder > Main Header and change the background color
3- AS for your last question is concerned kindly send us your website URL along with temporary wp admin access so that we will check your issue.
Robert Hall
which theme i have to select Xstore or child theme when i made any changes where changings will show in which theme
If you want or plan to make changes in the template files then you need to use child theme and do all the code changes that you need in child theme files only. If you don’t plan changes of the theme functions or additional customization you can use the parent theme in this case and you don’t need child theme. If you already made changes of theme options in parent theme but decided to install and use child theme then before child theme activation you need to go to Theme Options > Import/Export > export options. Once you activated child theme go to Theme Options > Import//Export > import file and reload customizer WITHOUT saving changes.
From your screenshot I see that you use mix of builders for the footer static block: Elementor and WPBakery. Which builder is the main builder of your site? Provide us with WP Dashboard access to check and help you with the footer settings.
im easily handly WPBakery but there is many section which i want to use from elementor so i dont know whats the solution for this which sections there is on xstore how can i convert on WPBakery
static block is related to elemantor or wpbakery plugin
You can’t mix Elementor and WPBakery page builders on the same page or static block. They just won’t work ok. If you like the design of the Elementor sections but WPBakery page builder is your main page builder then try to recreate the design of the Elementor sections using WPBakery elements, don’t mix builders.
Static block is work with elements or wpbakery ?
Static Blocks supports both
But if Static block was created using WPBakery paeg builder then edit it using WPBakery. If it was created using Elementor then edit it using Elementor. Just don’t try to edit the block created using WPBakery with the Elementor because you get the errors.
Is this possible may i set the footer with WPBakery and rest of the website with elementor ?
Yes, you can do this, just create a new footer static block and use the desired editor. Do not use both editors for one block/page –
I don’t get anything in your screenshot see here
Here it is –
there is many issues related to edit this theme every time when i done editing from my end that is automatically change next time i want to made two headers for my website one i have already made with the name of Main Header i want to fix this header on home page but when i done with editor after refreshing the live site there is showing preview diffrent now im just using element for my all site not even install wp bakery and also want to fix shop header different as your theme default header kindly let me know because im getting late to final my website if there i can fix by my self then i can hire a developer and made a website for me from scratch
hi i want to change the theme color at ones how can i because i edit from styling and color but there is no changing showing after update
1) Here is a video about Multiple headers –
Provide URL and temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look at your settings of headers. Describe with screenshots or video what exactly doesn’t work correctly.
2) Provide URL and temporary wp-admin access, so we can check and advise.
here is the screen shot of theme style and color section i want to change the theme color but after updating there is no change
im giving you wordpress details you check and tell me where from i can make changings
hopefully you tell all in details
kindly give us complete wp admin access so that we will check your issue in more details.
Robert Hall
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