I’m going to install it manualy via cpanel.
This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
I’m going to install it manualy via cpanel.
the plugin smart product viewer dont works. Could you take a look?
If something went wrong during plugin installation from the XStore Dashboard (because of server permissions or something) you can download the latest version of plugin here https://www.8theme.com/downloads and upload that using WP Dashboard https://prnt.sc/26gc28w
You installed the out of date version of plugin. I updated that to the latest one.
Check now.
I installed the one with the archives. But, may be my archives was out of date.
I’ll do this now, add it va your downloads page. thank you.
As English is not my native language, I sometimes express myself poorly. Sorry.
In a previous request, I had asked if it was possible to finally tell me which license is with which website. This in order to put this in my records. I believe I have several free licenses at the moment. I believe that you have the official data since I sent you some indications.
Thanks again!!
We cleared the licenses that you mentioned to clear and left the sites that you mentioned for the licenses that you mentioned. So, you can use cleared licenses for the new projects.
Yes, understand. Could you just copy, once again, all licences here on private area? I’ll keep your information on my record.
Thanks a lot!
In private.
Private 😉
Tagged: best selling, fail, install, plugin, themes, woocommerce
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