I’ve installed wordpress from scratch, with none imported pages and plugins (Woopress Handtools demo).
I’ve imported the whole theme according theme’s documentation and i’ve followed the entire proccess of installation.
The theme has been imported with a lot of errors, bugs and missing content, like:
– Product photos
– The defaut widgets
– All the pages from the demo
– The correct main slider (following the preference’s of the demo)
– The main footer in some pages is also bugged too
Also in some pages the menu is not appearing, it’s just showing the slider and this is not what is on the demo.
I bought this theme from themeforest with the original license with support, and I need the support right now with priority, because my website is completely glitch.
I’ve send on the prived content all the informations to access the WP Admin and my FTP, I hope you guys solve this problem because i’ve seen this problem on the forum with the same theme Woopress and the same demo and you guys solved without any problems.
PS: Look some of the screenshots bellow about the problem.
Slider error: https://prnt.sc/klfswb
Widget error: https://prnt.sc/klft5k