I am creating a custom product layout and can position elements where I like using shortcodes. I want to know what the shortcode is for the size guide popup please?
So for instance, if I want to display estimated shipping elsewhere on the page, I can use shortcode: [etheme_sales_booster_estimated_delivery] within a custom block or the dynamic short code way in elementor.
However, I would like to use the shortcode for the size guide – is it something like: [etheme_single_product_size_guide] – could you please clarify?
Basically I want to position it elsewhere using a shortcode.
Ideally, it’d be good if you can show the shortcodes to display the elements within your product builder such as:
1. Size Guide
2. Add to Wishlist (xstore version)
3. Social Sharing
This way we can create a fully mobile custom product layout by using the static blocks and showing / hiding elements.
At present I am having to use that much css that it is becoming crazy to manage 🙁
If not can you tell me the hook name that outputs these fields and I’ll create shortcuts.