Hi there, there seems to be an issue with the menu on mobile. Everything appears fine in terms of menu settings and it works fine when testing with another theme.
Client is ready to launch… just need to sort out the menu issue.
This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Hi there, there seems to be an issue with the menu on mobile. Everything appears fine in terms of menu settings and it works fine when testing with another theme.
Client is ready to launch… just need to sort out the menu issue.
I just realised that the menu is there, but the drop down icon must be in white colour.
If I change the colour of the mobile menu background from white to another colour I can see the plus icon for dropdown options. What if the client wants to keep it white?
Also the bottom of the theme options pages is cut off for options at the bottom of the page which you will see when logged in.
So idealy, we want a white background, black font and black drop down marker.
1/ Check the mobile menu now.
2/ Don’t see problem with the bottom of the Theme Options http://prntscr.com/s14dzg
Could you, please, provide screenshot for better understanding?
Hi there, thanks for fixing the menu issue. Was it a big thing or did you have to add some css?
With reference to the Theme Options…. you will see what i mean if you look at Typography for example and try access the bottom colour selector.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the site does not appear to be mobile friendly with the images. If you look at the home page for example, you will see how the images are all cut off and there is no response there at all. This is the only thing they waiting on for launch now. I have also tried to get the one image to stretch across the page but you will see its splitting the image thats currently there.
They have also added an image carousel to the home menu which is quite messed up on mobile. Is there an issue with WP Bakery?
Thanks so much for you great support:-)
1) I used custom CSS in child theme style.css to fix the mobile menu.
2) WooCommerce LightSpeed POS plugin calls the WooCommerce admin.css at the Theme Options page and causes the mentioned issue http://prntscr.com/s1cleu By default that files should not be applied there. So, contact plugin author to fix the issue, there is no need to call this file at theme options page.
3) You use row width background-size cover. It means that image will be always cut off to cover the row area. In your case, I would recommend you to disable full-height option and use vw for the row padding https://gyazo.com/2399778e28aab9a9fefc357ebcfde350 Then mobile version image does not look bad http://prntscr.com/s1cdg0
Ahhh, ok, I disabled lightspeed and the issue still existed I thought.. sorry.
What about the home page image carousel where images are set to full and they all tiny on mobile?
I have also just chosen to hide the element under responsive settings. I must ask, is this website a non-responsive site as your advertising says that it is? The images just turn into tiny thumbnails on mobile for the home page image carousel. I did see in your comments that your image carousel is not recommended by your team years ago…. is this still that case?
Don’t worry about trying to fix things. The image carousel simply does not work like it should along with lots of others issues we are having. We will look at another theme as this one does not appear to be very functional for users.
That element is not our element, that’s WPBakery carousel. If you are looking for another theme I would recommend you take a look at our XStore theme https://themeforest.net/item/xstore-responsive-woocommerce-theme/15780546 If you want we could exchange themes.
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