Jump to top of page option not working right

This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler

  • Avatar: Shayan
    January 27, 2021 at 00:26

    After updating the new theme today, i noticed that on the mobile mode, the jump to the top of page icon is massive. How can i turn this option off.


    4 Answers
    Avatar: MichaelB
    January 27, 2021 at 00:36

    I had the same problem (see last top posts on this link: https://www.8theme.com/topic/after-update-look-this/#post-270362)

    Solution: Try to flush your WordPress cache and browser cache then check again. Google how to clear both caches if not sure ?

    The issues appear to relate to the new scroll function.

    Edit: To answer your question (https://prnt.sc/xodkpa)

    Avatar: Shayan
    January 27, 2021 at 00:38

    Thank you for your help, however, i did clear the cache, etc. I ended up turning off the setting in the theme options.

    Avatar: MichaelB
    January 27, 2021 at 00:42

    Did you clear both caches?

    The one in WordPress and your browser?

    And glad my screenshot helped you turn off the feature.

    Hopefully, an upate will be released asap as a lot of users are raising the same bug!

    Avatar: Rose Tyler
    Rose Tyler
    Support staff
    January 27, 2021 at 09:16

    Hello Shayan,

    You need to clear cache of your browser, server, and CDN cache.


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