Greetings, I need your help with the following:
I’m trying to create main category in the mobile menu, and i want this category to contain all product categories and their subcategories and i want it to work like this: mobile user clicks on the tab with main category at the bottom where mobile panel is, and drop down of the categories appear, form this the user can chose sub categories as well. I created menu and i put there all product categories and their respective sub categories. In mobile panel section i chose more toggle, in more toggle content type i chose menu, in more toggle menu i chose the menu i wanted.
The result: drop down of the categories appear, but only the main categories, not the sub categories. And in appearance – menus, i did everything right, and i put the sub categories in the correct way.
The second problem is that when I try to click on product category from this drop – down everything moves a little bit down and nothing happens, when i try to click again, random category opens, not the one i want.
Can you help me please.
Best regards,